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Rules of Thumb for decumulation or draw down

A simple tool to get people thinking about how to take money from retirement savings – a new approach from New Zealand.

As previously blogged here and here, decumulation is proving a puzzle in countries which have a generation retiring about now with more retirement savings in private sector defined contribution (DC) funds than used to be the case.

Retirees must navigate inflation, investment and longevity risks when they ask the question How can I best organise my retirement savings for income in later life?

They could go to a financial adviser, but we know that not everyone will.  Whether they do or not, it may still be helpful to have another independent, trusted source of information which suggests options and gives an easy-to-understand general steer.  In recent Financial Markets Authority (FMA) research, 48 per cent of people at the point of retirement asked which types of information or tools would be helpful when making decisions about retirement chose tools to help me understand different financial options and 47 per cent chose simple guidelines about making the most from my money.

But there isn’t much available. If instead there were many sources of such information, offering slightly different takes on the ‘best’ options, this could be more confusing than helpful.  The Retirement Interest Income Group (RIIG) of the New Zealand Society of Actuaries (NZSA) spotted this problem – and offers a solution.

The NZSA has published Decumulation Options in the New Zealand Market: How Rules of Thumb can help to explain.  Here is the full paper, and here a summary. I’m a member of RIIG and co-author of the paper.

The key points are:

The Rules themselves may not be right for other countries.  A typical retiree is likely to have different priorities, preferences, amount of savings and level of public pension than in New Zealand.  Tax and regulation will be different. Unique conditions of NZ include:

This means that in a country other than New Zealand, the same process to derive a single set of Rules can be followed, but the testing will be carried out using different assumptions.

Wherever decumulation is a puzzle, a set of Rules of Thumb to help retirees think through their options is likely to be a useful part of the solution.

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